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[helm] eks 저장소 추가 및 aws-node-termination-handler 업그레이드 하기

by freesunny 2020. 6. 16.

참고: aws-node-termination-handler 는 쿠버네티스 노드를 스팟으로 구성할 때 필요한 APP 이다. 


helm eks 저장소 추가

❯ helm repo add eks https://aws.github.io/eks-charts
"eks" has been added to your repositories



기존에 설치된 helm 패키지 확인

❯ helm list -A
NAME                        	NAMESPACE     	REVISION	UPDATED                             	STATUS  	CHART                             	APP VERSION
aws-node-termination-handler	kube-system   	1       	2020-01-23 15:37:00.775536 +0900 KST	deployed	aws-node-termination-handler-0.3.0	1.0.0
k8s-spot-rescheduler        	kube-system   	1       	2020-05-20 19:29:55.906721 +0900 KST	deployed	k8s-spot-rescheduler-0.4.4        	v0.3.0
prometheus                  	monitoring    	4       	2020-06-16 15:29:38.439616 +0900 KST	failed  	prometheus-11.4.0                 	2.18.1



최신 패키지 확인 (aws-node-termination-handler)

❯ helm search repo eks | grep aws-node
eks/aws-node-termination-handler	0.7.5        	1.4.0      	A Helm chart for the AWS Node Termination Handler

설치되어 있는 버전은 1.0.0 이고 최신 버전은 1.4.0이라서 업그레이드를 진행한다.



❯ helm upgrade aws-node-termination-handler eks/aws-node-termination-handler -n kube-system
Release "aws-node-termination-handler" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
NAME: aws-node-termination-handler
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Jun 16 15:49:36 2020
NAMESPACE: kube-system
STATUS: deployed
aws-node-termination-handler has been installed or updated. To check the status of pods, run:

kubectl get pods --namespace

설치된 패키지 확인

❯ helm list -A
NAME                        	NAMESPACE  	REVISION	UPDATED                             	STATUS  	CHART                             	APP VERSION
aws-node-termination-handler	kube-system	2       	2020-06-16 15:49:36.456346 +0900 KST	deployed	aws-node-termination-handler-0.7.5	1.4.0

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